Friday, November 1, 2013

Starting countdown to True Living in ....3 . 2 .1..........

And the jar's just become Full all over again. Which means it is time to empty it again  :)

Oh Man ! Too many different thoughts, what to write about ?? Someone said collect your thoughts and then pen it down. No one told how !

Nevertheless, lets see.....ummm.......

The best part of our life is always the shortest and that makes it the sweetest.

Take the next 3 days for instance. The biggest Hindu festival in India Diwali is just 3 days away !

3 days of absolute fun and frolic. Letting your hair down, setting back to being kids again in ways and rejoining family in laughs, celebrations and merrymaking.

But it is also 3 days of realizing that this is what life is about. The shortest 3 days remain the reason why
I would spend a whole week of doing the mundane humdrum daily activities. Because these 3 days are the life that I want want to live.

True life is just like these 3 days. The best of what we can do is always possible when we see the time for it being the shortest. We are surrounded by differing emotions each day. Happy People, sad people, excited people, or dejected people. These can be our family, friends, mates, etc. Our sense has a natural tendency to conduct these moods into us. And they change our internal beliefs.

At such times, it is essential to remember why we are here, in this world in the first place. What is it that drives our passion each day. It is essential to remember that so as to keep away from such feelings that pull us down, rather retransmit our positivity to those who need it. Make each day worth living, so a week of look back doesn't make us regret what we did. A month of lookback doesn't make us realize what we missed and a year or few years looking back, we do not realize what we lost !

Life is just 3 days. The first day is when we wake up to realization. The second day is action into what we want. And the third is satisfaction of doing what we wanted to do always. Take it 3 days, 3 hours, or 3 moments....It is this that you wanna do. Life is beautiful, its awsome and it calls you.

Carpe diem !!

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