Friday, April 16, 2010

The storm rises and abates

Its sometimes so difficult to just keep on doing things that don't please you. There are times you may shut your mind to thoughts that agitate you or make you indignant. But that is not possible all the time. Its strange sometimes to understand people as well. While they may root for a cause and a show a holistic approach to things in open, a hypocrisy underlies each one of them. For small little things, people are ready to forget the larger purpose, the larger scheme of things. Personal small gains overshadow the bigger achievement.

It is times like these that play on a free mind that accepts not, the social bondage and the bourgeois thinking that abides the common thought. Such ideas seem so foreign and alien to me that when people bring them up, it agitates me. It is strange to think that people are caged within such small perceptions that they refuse to think beyond. And when it is not possible to change ideas, the mind heats up. It becomes restless and then things happen that shouldn't.

Anger takes the better of rationality and this is not a good thing. At these times, there is a need to calm the mind and let it empty itself of all thoughts. Cleanse it thoroughly and make it afresh. Its like emptying a pitcher of all its contents and letting it fill again, a little more carefully now, so that the contents do not spill over. Its essential to siphon the contents at regular intervals into the sink so that the pitcher remains relatively empty to take in more. That probably is the right way to manage the anger, when it takes hold. That probably is the solution.

As I finish this blog, the storm seems to have abated for now. The mind is calm and equanimity prevails. The pitcher has been emptied. I will remain calm for some time now. I have found a sink in expression of thoughts through the means of words. This will hopefully keep me calm and free. Thoughts closed......

Friday, April 2, 2010

Dreams vs Fantasies

Its strange isn't it ! To compare dreams and fantasies. They seem alike and yet so different.

Dreams are the beacons that light our path and show us what we can do if we only.... believe. They show us the good times that are to come ahead. And they motivate us to toil further, just that little bit more, to reach the light at the end of the tunnel ! And more importantly, dreams are what can be fulfilled. They can and shall materialize, only you have to believe......

Fantasies are a little different. They are those grand figments of our imagination that do not sprout in the world of reality. They shall make that rosy picture dance before our eyes, ever so beautiful and yet not real. They cloud the sense of judgement and rationality, rendering us directionless. They lead us to a tunnel so well lit that it dazzles before our eyes. We get so pre-occupied with what we are made to see, that we forget that ahead is a dead end. We forget that it is not a dream that will fulfill, but a quagmire that has no escape, if we do not act fast.

It is so essential to understand and identify what we believe in. Is it a dream or is it a fantasy? If it is a dream, there will be a way to make it real. It may seem difficult at first, but the way will show itself. More importantly, what you can do to realize a dream will always be within your grasp. It will be within your calibre to do it, to get it.

If what you see is a fantasy, be aware. It will show ahead an easy way to follow. Think before you walk that path. Think, if it will lead you to the right end. Think, if what you believe in is something that you can do. See past the glittering walls of the tunnel, and you will find your answer.

That is what is the difference between dreaming and fantasizing. So dream, believe in it and realize. And you will see yourself as you want to be, as you can be ....